Sorry to bother you with a python problem, but I haven't been able to fix it and I really need to use "plot" from py4vasp.
The problem is the following, when importing plot from py4vasp, for example:
ImportError: cannot import name 'plot' from 'py4vasp' (/opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/latest/lib/python3.7/site-packages/py4vasp/ numpy as np
from py4vasp import plot
t1, beef = np.loadtxt("./BEEF.dat",
usecols=[1,3], unpack=True)
plot(t1, beef,
xlabel="Time step",
ylabel="Bayesian error",
title="Bayesian error estimate of forces (max) (eV Angst^-1)"
Y tried several installations (e.g.: fresh or inclusive under virtual-env) in different nodes (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS) but the same problem occurs.
Any hint?
Ricardo Faccio