Strange error
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:00 pm
I am attempting to run a simulation using the elastic band method, but continually receive the following error
WARNING: mpiexec is in the process of killing a job, but has detected an
interruption (probably control-C).
It is dangerous to interrupt mpiexec while it is killing a job (proper
termination may not be guaranteed). Hit control-C again within 1
second if you really want to kill mpiexec immediately.
Can anybody tell me what this means? Thank you for your help.
WARNING: mpiexec is in the process of killing a job, but has detected an
interruption (probably control-C).
It is dangerous to interrupt mpiexec while it is killing a job (proper
termination may not be guaranteed). Hit control-C again within 1
second if you really want to kill mpiexec immediately.
Can anybody tell me what this means? Thank you for your help.