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How to continue the calculation with IBRION=6

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:32 am
by hongding
I started a IBRION=6 calculation several days ago to get the vibrational frequencies of a system. As you known, it will take a lot of cpu times. But the supercomputer crashed yesterday, and I want to continue the calculation.
I wonder how to continue the calculation, because I do not find any tips to continue such a IBRION=6 calculation calculation. Otherwise, to restart the whole calculation is too expensive.

How to continue the calculation with IBRION=6

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:40 pm
by admin
unfortunately, crashed or broken calculations for the vibrational spectra cannot be continued. Please let me however ask you to consider the following: Just in case you are interested in a few specific vibrations only (like the vibrations of an adsorbed molecule on a surface) it saves a lot of computing time if you fix some of the (substrate) atoms, which will not affect the molecule's vibrations. (selective dynamics in POSCAR)