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Error reading item 'ISTART' from file INCAR.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:33 pm
by handberg
When I try to run VASP for a simple Si lattice, I get the error message:

vasp.4.6.28 25Jul05 complex
POSCAR found : 1 types and 2 ions
Error reading item 'ISTART' from file INCAR.
Error code was IERR=5 ... . Found N= 0 data.

The INCAR file I am using is as follows:

Code: Select all

      1 # Test: tutorial on Si atoms
      3 ISTART = 0          # start from scratch
      4 ICHARG = 2          # 2 if ISTART = 0, else 0
      5 INIWAV = 1          # used when ISTART = 0
      6 NELM = 40           # max of 40 electronic steps
      7 NELMIN = 2          # minimum of 2 electronic steps
      8 NELMDL = -5         # if ISTART = 0, INIWAV = 1
      9 EDIFF = 0.1E-03     # stopping criterion for electronic updates
     11 # recommended minimum setup from VASP 6.2.3
     12 PREC = Normal       # Normal precision
     13 LREAL = .FALSE.     # local coulomb interaction
     14 ENCUT = 300         # cutoff used throughout all calculations
     15 ISMEAR = 0          # 0: Gaussian, 1: Methfessel-Paxton, -5: tetrahed.
     17 # from Denis
     18 ALGOL = fast        # fast algorithm
     19 ISPIN = 1           # spin polarized calculation
     20 LWAVE = .TRUE.      # write wavefunctions
     21 LCHARG = .TRUE.     # write charge densities

The ISTART parameter is first in the file. The file permissions are set so anyone can work with it (777). Any idea what is failing?

Error reading item 'ISTART' from file INCAR.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:11 pm
by admin
hmm, looks strange.
-- Please check whether there may be some "hidden character" in your INCAR file (by typing "strings INCAR").
-- Another possibility may be that you have by error taken the letter O instead of zero (though it does not look like that on my screen)

Error reading item 'ISTART' from file INCAR.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:15 am
by Katrina
havd you got the solution ? I met the same question as yours

Error reading item 'ISTART' from file INCAR.

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:06 pm
by lupo
I had the same error message:
Error reading item 'ISTART' from file INCAR.
Error code was IERR=5 ... . Found N= 0 data.

In my case I found out that it has to do with the empty space between the tag (e.g. INCAR=0) and its comment.
However, when commenting, at least the first sign after a tag must be typed by the space bar and NOT by the tabulator key.

I hope it will help ..

Error reading item 'ISTART' from file INCAR.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:51 pm
by admin
Problems with reading POSCAR file are often caused by hidden (usually unvisible) characters introduced via the "copy and paste" procedure. Try to retype critical lines by hand.