elpol.f90, line 663: warning on !DIR$ IVDEP
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:13 am
When compiling vasp on Itanium2 system with the Intel Fortran
compiler, I get a warning about the code in elpol.f90.
Although this is merely a warning, I do wonder whether there's
something not correct here.
(I get same warning when compiling mpi version of vasp).
[...cut previous lines....]
./preprocess <elpol.F | /usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional >elpol.f90
-DHOST=\"LinuxEFC_mkl\" -DnoSTOPCAR -Dkind8 -DNGXhalf
-DCACHE_SIZE=16000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -DRPROMU_DGEMV
-DRACCMU_DGEMV -DNBLK_default=64 -Duse_cray_ptr
/opt/intel/fc/9.1.036/bin/ifort -FR -lowercase -cm -w95 -tpp2
-safe_cray_ptr -ftz -I/opt/intel/fc/9.1.036/include
-I/opt/intel/mkl/8.1.1/include -O3 -unroll0 -ivdep_parallel -fno-alias
-c elpol.f90
fortcom: Warning: elpol.f90, line 663: The statement following this
DEC loop optimization directive must be an iterative do-stmt, a vector
assignment, an OMP pdo-directive, or an OMP parallel-do-directive.
[...cut remaining lines
When compiling vasp on Itanium2 system with the Intel Fortran
compiler, I get a warning about the code in elpol.f90.
Although this is merely a warning, I do wonder whether there's
something not correct here.
(I get same warning when compiling mpi version of vasp).
[...cut previous lines....]
./preprocess <elpol.F | /usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional >elpol.f90
-DHOST=\"LinuxEFC_mkl\" -DnoSTOPCAR -Dkind8 -DNGXhalf
-DCACHE_SIZE=16000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -DRPROMU_DGEMV
-DRACCMU_DGEMV -DNBLK_default=64 -Duse_cray_ptr
/opt/intel/fc/9.1.036/bin/ifort -FR -lowercase -cm -w95 -tpp2
-safe_cray_ptr -ftz -I/opt/intel/fc/9.1.036/include
-I/opt/intel/mkl/8.1.1/include -O3 -unroll0 -ivdep_parallel -fno-alias
-c elpol.f90
fortcom: Warning: elpol.f90, line 663: The statement following this
DEC loop optimization directive must be an iterative do-stmt, a vector
assignment, an OMP pdo-directive, or an OMP parallel-do-directive.
[...cut remaining lines