I'm experiencing an issue when running vasp 5.3.5, compiled with the interface to wannier90, v1.2, in the presence of spin-orbit coupling.
I start by saying that the same system, with no spin-orbit coupling, properly works (wannier90.amn wannier90.mmn correctly built).
The run with spin-orbit coupling is done by doubling num_wann in wannioer90.win and adding in the same file spinors = .true.
What happens is that the VASP run successfully terminates. However, when running wannier90, the code attempts to read
wannier90.mmn, and exits with the error
This seems to be a possible bug of the VASP interface, especially since this appears only with SOC.Reading overlaps from wannier90.mmn : File generated by VASP: MoS2-1L_SO
Error reading wannier90.mmn: 2 1 9 0 0 0 0
Neighbour not found
Ant hint is appreciated.