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units of total charge in OUTCAR

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:22 pm
by freshwind
Dear VASP-support,

I would like to know what the unit of the total charge (printed in OUTCAR) is.

Thank you.

With kind regards, Siaufung Dang

Re: units of total charge in OUTCAR

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:18 pm
by nwan
This file contains the lattice vectors, atomic coordinates, the total charge density multiplied by the volume $ \rho(r)* V_{\rm cell}$ on the fine FFT-grid (NG(X,Y,Z)F), and the PAW one-center occupancies.
see for more detail.

if you sum all the numbers in CHGCAR and divide it by the number of grids then you will get the number of electrons