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internal error in RACC0MU

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:18 pm
by gVallverdu
Good morning

I run a test with IALGO = -1 with vasp 4.6.36 and vasp 5.2.12. With the vasp 5 version I got this error message. What does it mean ?

Code: Select all

All results refer to a run over all bands and one k-point
 VNLACC   non local part of H
 PROJ     calculate projection of all bands (contains FFTWAV)
 RACC     non local part of H in real space (contains FFTEXT)
 RPRO     calculate projection of all bands in real space 
          both calls contain on FFT (to be subtracted)
 FFTWAV   FFT of a wavefunction to real space
 FFTEXT   FFT to real space
 ECCP     internal information only (subtract FFTWAV)
 POTLOK   update of local potential (including one FFT)
 SETDIJ   calculate stregth of US PP
 ORTHCH   gramm-schmidt orth.  applying Choleski decomp.
 LINCOM   unitary transformation of wavefunctions
 LINUP    upper triangle transformation of wavefunctions
 ORTHON   orthogonalisation of one band to all others
    10xRED:  cpu time    0.02: real time    0.02
    STUFAK:  cpu time    0.00: real time    0.00
   POTLOK :  cpu time    0.02: real time    0.02
    FORLOC:  cpu time    0.00: real time    0.00
    CHSP  :  cpu time    2.48: real time    2.48
    DEPLE :  cpu time    0.00: real time    0.00
    RSPHER:  cpu time    0.02: real time    0.02
 internal error in RACC0MU: PHASE not properly set up           1         112
internal error in RACC0MU: PHASE not properly set up           1         112


Re: internal error in RACC0MU

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:21 pm
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,