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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:21 am
by lahaye

1. Add space between components of k-vectors in OUTCAR:

k-point 1 : 0.12500.12500.1250 plane waves: 25775
k-point 2 : 0.37500.12500.1250 plane waves: 25751
k-point 3 : -.37500.12500.1250 plane waves: 25751
k-point 4 : -.12500.12500.1250 plane waves: 25775

possibly line 1598 in wave.F.

2. to small -> too small
line 686 in electron.F



Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:55 am
by Veronika
Don't be picky!
The program works, so what.


Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:58 pm
by tjf
Nah, I have to get behind lahaye on this one. The k-point formatting is just plain and simple sloppy coding, and bloody annoying.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:09 am
by admin
I will ask Georg Kresse to change that format in the future releases of VASP..
In the meantime, please change the format in line 1598 of wave.F
(vasp.4.6) from
10 FORMAT(' k-point ',I2,' : ',3F6.4,' plane waves: ',I6)
10 FORMAT(' k-point ',I2,' : ',3F10.4,' plane waves: ',I6)
and recompile