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Spurious characters in forum posts with "code" delimiter

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:34 pm
by jber

form time to time i see posts formatted in a crazy way, and it seems
to happend when one uses the "code" delimiter, though Preview mode looks fine.
Therefore I would like to make few experiments to figure out what is going on.

1. Typing directly in firefox 3.6.23/Linux, locale (LANG=en_US, all others =C)
on vasp-forum and wrapping with "code" from the first T to last 1

Code: Select all

2. As above in Internet Explorer 9 / Windows 7

Code: Select all

3. With edit option, copying the contents of 1 (which has already question marks),
and replacing the question marks with spaces manually

Code: Select all

Point 3 shows that even if you try to edit the post and replace the spurious
characters you get them back. Another problem is that if your code section
starts with a space it get's an additional question mark.

This is illustrated by the example below.
The second line is originally indented by only one space:

Code: Select all

As far as I know vasp expects formatted input in at least KPOINT and POSCAR files (maybe more), so a reliable (i.e. without any change in formatting or line breaking)
way of sharing the contents of those files is necessary. Is it what the code
delimiter could be used for (if working)?
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>

Spurious characters in forum posts with "code" delimiter

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:52 pm
by jber
Here is what i mean that vasp expects formatted input.
says "only the first character on the line is significant"